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Textbook of Engineering Mathematics

Textbook of Engineering Mathematics

dic. 2020
$ 130.00 USD
G. Shanker Rao

This book on mathematics is designed as a textbook for the f...

Theory and Practice of Chromatographic Techniques

Theory and Practice of Chromatographic Techniques

dic. 2020
$ 60.00 USD
Sanjay B. Bari

About the Book:This book is written with a view to help unde...

Understanding the Structure of Electricity Supply

Understanding the Structure of Electricity Supply

dic. 2020
$ 75.00 USD
K.R. Padiyar

The electrification is considered as the greatest engineerin...

Unix / Linux FAQ (With Tips to Face Interviews)

Unix / Linux FAQ (With Tips to Face Interviews)

dic. 2020
$ 80.00 USD
N B Venkateswarlu

In the recent years, many eye-catching books became availabl...

What Everyone Should Know about Medicine

What Everyone Should Know about Medicine

dic. 2020
$ 75.00 USD
Guru Prasad Mohanta

Medicines are perhaps the greatest weapons of the mankind to...


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